Rhythm: Internal subdivision


Rhythm is your musical heart beat. It needs to be precise. We aim for perfect and precise internal rhythm and subdivision, so that we can have perfect and precise performed rhythm.

Rhythm has to be organic. The “on-ramp” and “off-ramp” of your rhythm during a change in pulse (accelerando or rallentando) has to feel seemless.

You need to subdivide “down” at least one note value, but usually two. So if the musical count is written 4/4 in quarter notes, you need to have internal subdivision at least at 8th-notes, if not 16th-notes. I promise you it does you no good to be counting in the larger beat. You need that internal subdivision. Start practicing that now.

Once you achieve precise internal subdivision, your rubato or accelerando will also become seamless and organic. Congratulations!


Intonation: Precise Individual