Investigate: Know your ROLE (score)


Music performance is about relationships. You need to know what you provide to the ensemble at all times (even if it is just a duo!). But especially if you perform in an ensemble or orchestra, you are going to have to take a look at the score to know what your role is at every given moment that you are playing.

Are you melody? Are you a countermelody or other linear harmonic line? Are your part of the stacked harmony? Are you puncation? Do you have an accent on a note? If so, how loud should that accent be? (hint: you only know “how loud an accent” when you know what instruments you are playing WITH, and which instruments you are playing AGAINST, and who has the main role at the moment, and where your participation fits into that.).

Most scores are on IMSLP. Even if it turns out a conductor is using a fancy edition, the IMSLP versions will start getting you the information you need.

This takes a couple hours to do, but you will walk into the rehearsal already a much more knowledgable player than many of your peers. You will stand out in terms of your knowledge. That is what we want!


Investigate: W’s and Story